Green Source Nutrition Green Source Nutrition

Personalized evidence-based nutrition therapy and counseling to restore your health and vitality

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Experience true healing through the power of personalized nutrition.

Great health starts with a healthy gut. Let’s get to the root cause of your symptoms, improve your digestive health, and ultimately help you live your best life.

Hi, i’m Olga!

I am a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist and Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist. As a functional medicine practitioner, I work alongside you to identify the root cause of your symptoms.

My mission is to help you optimize your health and well-being through the power of real whole foods, supplements, botanicals, and lifestyle strategies – all backed by scientific research.

I believe that food is medicine.

Green Source Nutrition
Green Source Nutrition

Working Together, You Can Expect:

  • A Functional personalized approach that targets the root cause of your symptoms

  • Advanced knowledge of medical nutrition therapy

  • A nurturing healing
    therapeutic environment that meets you where you are at

  • Sustainable results and improved quality of life


It’s time to optimize your digestive health!


Conventional medicine often focuses on surface-level symptom management that leaves you stuck in a cycle of symptom flares and short-term remission. Too many people think they just need to accept their symptoms as a part of normal life. When I wasn’t getting answers from my own health practitioners, I was worried that might be true for me, too.

Functional medicine – my approach –gets down to the root cause

My goal is to help you find the answers you have been seeking. I use a whole-body holistic approach that focuses on identifying the root cause and seeing the whole you, which gives you real tools and real answers for healing.

Green Source Nutrition
Green Source Nutrition

Every time you eat, you’re fueling your body with nutrients that either promote health or promote disease. From this perspective, food is so much more than a meal you simply enjoy or one that fills your belly. It’s, in fact, one of the most powerful tools you have to restore health and vitality.

The key to success when it comes to wellness is to have a personalized plan and the accountability of a knowledgeable partner you can trust. When we work together, we will determine the underlying causes of your health struggles and create a personalized plan with your unique goals and lifestyle in mind.

The beauty of this plan is that it’s customized specifically for YOU.

By addressing the root cause rather than treating symptoms, I’ll help you restore your health so you can take charge of your well-being, feel confident in your body, and live a more productive and happy life.

Regardless of what’s happening in your life, I’ll meet you where you are. You will have the knowledge and tools to nourish your body, mind, and spirit to achieve sustainable and long-lasting results. By starting with your digestion, we create a strong foundation for the health of your whole body and mind.

Are you excited to see what personalized nutrition can do for you?

Are you ready to be empowered with the right tools,
knowledge, and support for your best health and vitality?

Have the courage to get well, be well, and – most importantly – stay well!

I can’t wait to meet with you.

"I am forever grateful to Olga for helping me gain my life back. Today I am symptom and medication free and truly feel like myself. For years I struggled with brain fog, high blood pressure, and various digestive issues and was going from doctor to doctor, having tried various treatments to no avail. Olga took time and truly listened to my story and was able to identify what was at the root of it all. This has helped me improve not just my physical health but also my mental health and energy levels. Her completely customized approach is unique and very comprehensive. She is very attentive, understanding, and supportive. I’ve learned so much from working with Olga, so glad to have found her!"
"Before coming to Olga I had constant headaches and bloating almost after every meal for many years. All the health practitioners I went to just gave me medications that only temporarily suppressed my symptoms. Working together with Olga, we dived deep into all areas of my life and were able to uncover what was the cause. Following Olga's personalized plan, I started feeling better within the first few weeks and felt hopeful for the first time in awhile. Her guidance has really helped me take a look at my daily decisions and knowledge that I gained I will use for the rest of my life. It was life-changing working with Olga. Thank you again for this truly transformative experience."
"Olga totally exceeded my expectations. I came to her with a long struggle of unresolved digestive issues, anxiety, and fatigue. Step by step, she was able to figure out the cause, heal my digestive tract and heal my relationship with food. She also helped me to learn how to be more in tune with my body and better manage stress. It was not just a new meal plan but a whole new lifestyle. Olga’s energy and positive healing approach is incredible. I can't recommend her services enough!"
"Olga is a very knowledgeable nutritionist and an absolute pleasure to work with. Her approach is very different from other health practitioners I saw. She looked at all the areas of my life, including stress, sleep, exercises, family history, etc., and was able to put together the pieces of the puzzle to find what was missing and out of balance. She helped me not only to lose weight, which I struggled with all my life and tried all sorts of diets that failed but also to balance my hormones and manage stress levels. I highly recommend Olga to those who are looking for true long-term, lasting health improvement."
Green Source Nutrition

Let’s Work Together!

Transform your health with a science-based approach to increase
your energy, vitality, and enjoyment of life.

  • We’ll discuss your health, symptoms and goals to see how we can work together.

  • Let’s get to the root cause of your symptoms and create a personalized plan for sustainable long-term health. Your unique plan will be working towards achieving balance between body, mind, and spirit.

  • Everyone is unique. What works for one person may not work for another. Let’s find what works for you.

  • Enjoy a patient-centered, science-based and evidence-based approach to promote health and wellness.

  • Choose a 3-month or 6-month package so we can transform your health and increase your energy, vitality, and enjoyment of life.

Let’s get started
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Your journey to the best digestive health can start as soon as today!
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